There was sure as hell some Nuke today, course we might just be callin it Bluke soon, heeeeeeeeeeee...Noah has rejected Luke cause he's so effin honest and noble and all, gag meeeeeeee...so Luke is despondent and goes to Yo's and gets seriously drunkypoo, back to his old destructive ways...Casey calls Noah to come and help Luke and Luke is soooooooo pist out at Noah and so unhappy, but at least Noah gets the car keys so Luke ends up walkin, out in the middle of nowhere apparently...meanwhile back at the hospital Brian and Lucy are gettin married, just like that, just cause Lucy is sick and tired of bein alone, so gee why not just get married...so they do, then she falls asleep since she's just had surgery, and Brian leaves and finds Luke wanderin out there, somewhere, and gives him a ride home, Luke is still tres drunk and Brian tells him to clean up...Brian is still there when Luke comes back, and Luke starts cryin awaaaaaay bout his Noah and Brian hugs him, then Brian kisses his forehead, then his cheek, and then the world stops as Brian kisses him, full frontal liplock, but only for a moment cause even drunky Luke says wtf, what was thaaaaaaaaat and runs upstairs, course now at least he's no longer drunk...fade to black as Brian just sits there in the kitchen, not even looking too confused, just very serious...stay tuned cause tomorrow Luke finds out Brian married Lucy...I wonder if he's gonna tell, he loves his grandma...so either way it's very bad timing since Lucy is so sick...damn, what a conundrum, hmmm...