Cyndi Lauper came to Oakdale today for gay pride day at Oakdale U...of course she immediately made friends with the luscious Luke who relayed the whole sad tale of love lost with Noah...Luke was just beautiful today, the lighting accentuated the gorgeous planes of his face, the beautiful high cheekbones, the lips, and the glistening holy hair..Luke was hot today...so Cyndi sang a couple of songs but the one that really mattered was True Colors which is now Luke and Noah's song, it was enough to soften up a little the perpetually confused Noah who confessed his love to Luke, and they kissed, a couple of times, and Luke wanted to go to the empty farm with Noah and have sex...it was perfect. But no, cause Noah just can't do it, no, he can't, cause he up and joined the army. Like that's a reason. Damn, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, the army!!! Way to go Noah, if you want to get even more confused, and when Luke asked him whether they knew he was gay, Noah said he didn't think it was necessary to tell em, gotta love that don't ask, don't tell army lingo...so now we're left in no sex, love lost again limbo. I do hear through the grapevine though that Luke will be working hard to convince Noah not to do it, and will even be telling the army bout the gayness thing...I sure hope it works, but even if it does, what are the odds the farmhouse will ever be empty again, hmmmm...course the pond would be fine too...I would say also that it is great the soap did a whole gay pride day, don't think that's been done on a soap before, and for a soap opera it is very very brave.
1 comment:
Awesome coverage. It was brave for ATWT to have an episode for Pride. Procter and Gamble seem to be showing their support.
Stupid Noah. I could slap him - and not in a good kinky way. ;)
Who the hell would leave Luke and deny a romp in the farmhouse??
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