Today will be a dark day for many as we watch our beloved carjack being torn asunder, ripped apart by the impending nups of jackass and juicyjanet. After watching yesterday's episode I am wondering how both jack and carly are going to handle being apart with no hope. Carly is devastated. Jack still loves her, you can tell not only by the look in his eyes, this is killing him, but by the way he is treating her, taking her home, coming back, finding her cryin away like that and taking her upstairs and spending time with her saying goodbye. Saddest thing I've seen.
I think Jack is marrying Juicyjanet because he thinks he wants things easy and nice-nice. What he needs to do is take time to decide what he really feels. He seems to jump into marriage so easily without thinking about what he's doing. And I think juicyjanet just wants a guy around, I think she loves him but is mostly enamored with the idea of being respectable and being with a guy that doesn't hit her. And I think she's a little more selfish than people think. When she arrived in Oakdale she went after Brad and could have cared less that he was married to katieho. I also think she knows Jack still loves and will always love Carly but is trying hard to ignore that. I actually don't see good things ahead for them. I think juicyjanet will get jealous, and I think Jack will become bored.
Meanwhile, poor Carly is really in for it. I hope they'll bring someone new to town, to make her happier and to make Jack realllllllllly jealous. Anyway, it's a tragic moment...tomorrow a review of the wedding...
Also on today was Luke and Brian. Geeeeeeeez this Brian is very confused. He got reallllllllly drunk at Jack's bachelor party and tried to come off as a manly man by eggin on the stripper...but when Luke drove him home he once again came on to Luke, (wtf, why won't Noah believe him, hmmm...I'm gettin tired of wimpy and non-supportive Noah, yes, I am). So Brian clearly has "issues" as Luke pointed out when he told him to lay off or he'd tell his grandma everything. Could get interesting.
A sad day in TVland, indeed. What are the writers thinking??? There is no chemistry between Jack and Janet. She is annoyingly fake.
The chemistry between Jack and Carly is palpable. Since it looks like this wedding will happen, I hope its a short marriage. Wouldn't it be great if it was all over by New Years, their original wedding date?!
Well, if they must bore us with Jack and Janet, I heop they bring someone new to Oakdale for Carly. Let Jack be the one who sees what he has lost and chases after Carly. I've had enough of the women looking desperate, chasing after men.
What a sad day it is!! Jack went through with marrying Janet in the trashiest wedding I have ever seen. I think Janet is confused. She seems to think its the middle of July and not December. What was with that dress?? Real classy. Interesting how Jack kept looking over at Carly during his vows. Hmmmmmmmmm.
I wanted to strangle Jack after he told Carly that he will always love her only a few minutes after he said 'I do' to Janet! And then telling her he wants her to be a part of the family. Puleeeze!! His ego is way too big. Carly needs to find a new man so she can make Jack jealous. Let him chase her for a while.
I can't wait for this marriage to bust.
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