Nuke is back together with a vengeance. The boys have been so unhappy apart and there have so many roadblocks that it's hard to believe they did it, really did, at long last. Of course we didn't get to see it, no we'll have to imagine that, damn, but we did get the next step in a great romance. How about the scene in oldtown where Luke tells Noah that he's the one who keeps finding excuses to back away, who won' let anyone in, and then boom Noah kisses him like he's never kissed him before...amaaaaazing, great, just watch it and you'll get it.
After the most passionate of Nuke kisses, they went to Luke's house and I'm expecting someone will be there to muck things up again, but no, they're alone, and after racing upstairs, the next thing you see is two really happy guys exiting the shower, damp, smiling, touchy feely, you know. Noah asks Luke if he's happy, and oh yeah, he's happy. They hold hands as they go downstairs and run into Lucinda who is partly responsible for getting them back together and they all have some ice cream. Luke is positively glowing.
I am hoping they do this again soon, like tomorrow and everyday...let's have some bed scenes, some tangled sheets, no sheets, some glimpses of skin just like they do with the boys and girls. I'm thinking it's just a matter of time since today was step one.
Finally, the show execs let them do it! Like these young little hotties would wait this long in real life!
hi love---i'm now on youtube as beatnikcass-----and facebook as cass cumerford
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