Okay so usually I start my jewelry making around soap time, but for today only, since I'm up early, I'll start in the morning instead. I'm very organized but to start my process I pull out shiny bright things that catch my eye...I may have a vague idea of the direction I'm going in but usually just seeing all the posibilities gives me, um, possibilities. I start playing with color combinations, which leads to type of beads, which makes me think of chain types and color. The more I push stuff around the more ideas I get and I usually just go in the direction that suits my mood.
Sometimes I'll have a very specific idea or theme...themes help a lot when deciding where to begin...if you think summer what do you think of...well that could be many things, might be pale shades of off whites and light colors, or might be bright, vivid colors that look like blooming flowers. So many possibilities, so little time...
Inspiration is also a great way to get going. Sometimes it's something you see, or maybe a smell that reminds you of something which leads to a sort of color plan, and as you dig into the beads and the silver, and whatall you get what you're after. The chunky bracelet picture posted above is an example of inspiration. I looooooove chunky beads and when I found these I had to, had to have em, cause I could just see what I was going to do with it. This is the beginning of the zone, kind of a different kind of zone which is yippee-yay excitement, and a feeling of aha!!!
So what happens is I kind of pre-arrange the item and start working on it...that's when I get into the zone, hours pass like minutes, I am completely happy, I notice nothing except what I'm doing. I love the zone, it is a free, creative and happy place to be, and the more you create the easier it is to get into.
And then, when you're done, you can look at your piece, and on the days when it works, it is remarkable to look at what you've done and say, damn, good stuff...there is really nothing like creating something from your hands.
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