Today's the day we've all been waiting for, Nuke finally had another kiss. Last time was waaaaaaaaay back in the fall so this was an unexpected and sweet treat. Good thing too cause Ameera is up to no good. Don't know exactly why but she really wants to "consummate" the "marriage." Sweetpea don't you know it's not a real marriage, geez, or is the colonel ordering you to do this, hmmm...anyway, today ameeera's all weepy in the bathroom and she tells noah it's her birthday, so noah calls luke cause noah never knows what to do, so they go shoppin for ameera...after buyin her some jewelry they're sayin bye bye outside, with spies all around, uh huh, in oldtown, luke is about to leave and noah grabs him, luke smiles a devlish little smile and says, what about the "authorities" and noah says, what about em, and he kisses luke, and they kiss and kiss, sigh...but then noah goes home all happy and there is ameera in a slinky little black dress, and noah says that's not what I want, and ameera says how do you know, and noah says, cause I've tried it and it's not for me, so ameera goes and kisses noah and we have to wait til tomorrow to see what happens next, damn...an A+++ day just because of the kiss...
I would say an A+++++ day. Hmm I'm liking Noah's hand cupping Luke's neck. MMM. Lovely kiss. About freaking time - geez.
Ameera - go home.
Ameera needs to go the f away. I hope the authorities saw the kiss, got pictures and deports her ass.
And yay for the kiss. Must go find you tube.
Finally, another kiss!!! 'bout time.
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