Poooooor Tiny is a goner...looks like he overdosed on too many of psychopammy's lemon bars. And she said they were good. Looks like the culprit is none other than psychopammy's current objet d' hate, the stunningly vacuous and overtanned donnaho...we all saw her toss a lemon bar Tiny's way and then left the lid off of the others, we all know what happens when you give a dog a bone, he wants another...well in this case one lemon bar just lead to another and to another...who knew lemon bars were fatal to dogs, hmmmm...I didn't know that, no, so I'm guessin donnaho didn't either, so does that make her merely negligent rather than a doggiemurderess...stay tuned, I guess we shall find out...
Meanwhile, in tribute to Tiny's memory, let us have a moment of silence for Tiny, let us remember him as he was, a growling, mean old dog, a dog who loved his psychopammy mommy...we will miss you Tiny, sure, we will, really, we will...
Donna-ho can rot in Hell for this one.
RIP Tiny.
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