Thursday, May 29, 2008

Luke and Noah With a Vengeance

Today Luke and Noah hit the streets of New York chasing Noah's baddad the colonel and the apparently kidnapped ameera. Of course ameera just wanted to help the colonel but perhaps changed her mind a little when she discovered he was drugging her...looks like the colonel has cooked up a deal with the immigration goonie to escape from New York in exchange for ameera...meanwhile the guys spent a lot of time runnin around lookin for both of em, and finally Noah literally bumps into his baddad who doesn't yet know that ameera is missing. Meanwhile Luke literally bumps into ameera just about around the corner and she hesitatingly tells him what she knows...Luke insists she go to the police for protection and flags down a beat cop and I guess they take her away, probably won't be much protection though once the immigration dude finds out. Noah and the colonel have it out and the encounter ends with colonel punchin out his beloved son, damn, what a champ. A frantic Luke finally finds Noah and explains what has happened to ameera. Noah is not a happy camper with the ameera in protective custody story and seems to be pretty pissed out at Luke...just then a foaming at the mouth colonel calls noah and tells him that if ameera isn't at pier 17 by noon the following day that both he and Luke will be dead...ooooooooooooh, dead by who, whom, or what, the colonel, the immigration guy, stay tuned I guess. I don't know who dreamed this story up but maybe they should try something else besides writing...if it weren't about Luke and Noah I'd be equally bored and laughing...story C-, Luke and Noah, priceless.

In other boring news of the soap day, sophie is becoming more obsessed and unhinged by the moment. Geez, I sure wish someone would give me a jewelry party like that, especially since sophie's been makin joolz for about two minutes, but anyway I see a bad moon risin on this story...paul and meg and mike continue to be boring, does paul have any look anymore other than the hurt puppy dog please hit me look...and nuchris and alison are putting me straight to sleep, and so is saint aaron...the carly and holden story if it ever gets goin might actually be kind of interesting, nulily will sure as hell be pissed out...and what can you say about emily and casey except ewwwwwwwwwwww...I think margo might kill someone when she finds out, which actually would be funny.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Luke and Noah and the Colonel

So today's the start of the Nuke and the colonel story...seems the colonel has escaped from prison and is back in Oakdale to save his son I guess. Not sure about ameera's role in this whole thing but she was whisked away by the colonel today...meanwhile Noah finds a letter from the colonel in ameera's drawer and calls Luke for help...they meet at Java to discuss what's goin on and Luke blames ameera which seems to shock Noah. Later on the good part happens, Noah actually tells Luke how much in love with him he is and there is a reallllllly great kiss until, damn, there is a knockin on the front door, realllllly soooooooooo unfair to disturb them, but anyway it's a cop and he tells them that the colonel has escaped from jail. Looks like there's going to be a lot of trouble caused, and injuries, but I'm hopin nothing harmful to Luke and Noah now that the story is finally heating up...more tomorrow...

In other news, JuicyJanet is doin all she can to snag Badbrad despite knowing he's marrried...I like that katieho got off her butt and found their new place...frankly it's tiresome to see the same scenery every day, so the katieho/badbrad digs are cool.

On B&B there are more tears than ever, an endless deluge of tears from the logan sisters...seems the newly married donnaho has a secret in her past, a child who is now on her doorstep askin are you my mom, wtf, woulda thunk it, didn't think she was THAT old...well it's mildly interesting and we'll have to see how if affects her marriage to honeybear.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Juicy Janet

I'm really likin Juicy Janet who is Liberty's mom via a long ago get-together with newly married badbrad. I think I like her cause she's a breath of fresh air, a bit of fun in an otherwise rather dismal setting of boring last a nu character to sink one's teeth into, and one of the best things is at least she's irritating katieho and badbrad. While badbrad seems to be in lalaland over juicyjanet's intentions, katieho is not...takes a ho to know another I guess...anyway I see lots of humor ahead for katieho and juicyjanet, cause they are gonna be duking it out for their man...and imagine when henry and vienna get involved, there are so many possibilities so we'll see if the writer's have enough imagination to really make this fun.

Usually nu characters take some time to get used to and lots of em don't make it...the reason I think juicyjanet will is that everyone else is so boring right now, or just mia as in Nuke...what is it with the Nuke storyline, it's either non-existent or just creeps along in slo mo...I guess they'll be gettin the colonel gets involved story next week, but I won't hold my breath.

As for the other couples, what can you say, they keep puttin me to sleep, even my beloved carjack. I tired of them bickering, it's not humorous, just keeps reiterating the same old same old...if jack wants to keep on bein such an ass let him do it to someone else...and the holden and nulily story is a real non-starter and has been for months even with the real lily...and I'm not likin nulily at all, she is not lily and I don't think she ever will be...and if they do end of puttin holden and carly together I still think it's silly.

Which brings me to the three couple or wanna maybe sorta be couple stories on tv right now...the ever boring paul, meg, and now sophie, complicated by numike who kinda likes meg and seems to be over katieho, but like who cares, and the ever non-sizzling allison and chris and aaron non-starter couplings, just flat out dull.

And for last cause it's kinda the best and the worst and the most silly and the most ewwwwwww, it's the emily/casey hook up in new york...saw it comin a mile away, now their will be repercussions for emily's latest screw up, oh yeah, on ATWT you pay for your sins...but this story kinda makes me cringe, not that casey's not up to shaggin the luscious emilyho, cause he's kinda cute and all, but I almost can't watch emilyho drag herself all the way down to the bottom again cause there is no way in hell this "relationship" is gonna last...maybe casey will sue her for sexual harassment, hmmmm...

Signin off now and hopin for more Nuke and Juicyjanet soon...

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Divorce is Final

Well it was a great day on B&B as donnaho married her honeybear in front of stephbitch, and in stephbitch's own home. The "children" (all at age 40+ or close now) were there all grim faced and sad...psychopammy was there, crazy as ever dreaming of hosin down donnaho as she walked down the aisle...and stephbitch was there convinced that honeybear would have second thoughts bout marryin donnaho, coughcoughdidn'thappencoughcough...well, it kinda almost maybe sorta did, honeybear had a moment of confusion where everyone thought he was maybe wafflin, but he came to in time to day I do. The bride was radiant in a forester original gown, perfectly tanned and coiffed, and emphatically showin great boobage...

All the guests left early, the "children" going out to get drunk, at least thorny was, but at the very end before steph left she heard laughter from inside and she looked inside her old house and saw her honeybear dancin with donnaho, havin a great old time and not even thinkin bout her for even one little second...too bad, so sad, been a long time comin but the divorce is finally final...

It's been a slow week over on ATWT, however there's one bright spot and that would be juicyjanet, badbrad's old flame and mother of his daughter liberty, aka libby...there is already big trouble brewin between juicyjanet and katieho cause it's soooo obvious that juicyjanet's makin a play for badbrad...this could get interesting cause she also obviously came to town with an agenda, she's lookin to be a little like gwen's mom iris, greedy, money lovin and a ho...this is an example of a fun nucharacter, I'm likinnnnnnn iiiiiit...also this week nulily is attempting to fit right in as lily, but she is very seriously not I'll give her a couple more days to straighten it out, but she is soooo not lily...this is an example of a recast character that doesn't work...we'll see how long this lasts.

There is a light on the horizon for next week cause previews show that Nuke will be returning, and I'm also hopin that henry and vienna get involved in the juicyjanet/katieho/badbrad story cause this could become very humerous...vienna is not gonna like juicyjanet, I'm seein some problems there, meowwwwwwwww...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Wake Me Up When It's Over

Now usually I love my ATWT but lately, actually for a while now, things have been a changin and not for the it just me or are there a whole lot of boring characters and stories on, and very strange bedfellows...what are the writers thinking, seems they're not thinking at all if they're coming up with this drivel...if not for my beloved Nuke I'm not sure how much I'd actually watch anymore. Anyway, I've come up with my list of most boring characters, stories, and circumstances...

1. Most boring character is a close one with nuchris winning the overall title...puts me right to sleep, isn't anything like old chris who wasn't that exciting either but a better actor maybe.

2. Most stupid and boring romance has gotta be meg and paul, the girl's a psycho who continually exhibits bad behavior yet judges everyone else's behavior...who made her a goddess, hmmm...anyway, sick of it...

3. Most useless character has gotta be sophie, and verrrrrrrrrrry boring too. It can be good to introduce new characters and all but the story must be interesting and so must the character. Sophie seems a washed out, wimpy, and kinda psycho mess who I can't bring myself to care about...glad she gave the baby away...

4. Most underused and seriously distorted character is aaron's a cutie but they've turned him into another holier than thou, reactionary character, he didn't used to be like this...don't know what happened but they ought to give him a real story and stop tryin to make him every damsel's savior, geeez...

5. Biggest uh oh, watch out story is the pairing of emily and casey, you just know that emily won't be able to resist, her history is to not resist men, and damn is that gonna cause problems with margo and tom...but this is really crazy cause emily is 40 somethin and casey is what 19 or 20...the only hope for casey not gettin into her clutches is if ameera gets seriously kicked to the curb and looks to casey for help and looooooooove, course emily won't like that, no...

6. I'm wonderin why they brought back a why if katieho actually seems to be in love with I know his life is gonna get complicated soon and I suppose katieho could get fed up and seek out mike but the problem is this guy on the screen is not mike, he's too young, he's too bland, he's just not mike...maybe a few actin lessons would help...

7. Now I haven't seen her yet but I'm cringin thinkin about nulily startin as our beloved lily this week...I have nothing against the nulily yet but ATWT was really stupid to let the real lily go...all the soaps are tryin to cut costs cause hardly anyone watches em anymore, but if you don't have any good characters then for sure no one's going to watch...I see a bad moon rising here...

8. From bad to worse on the snyder front, not only is nulily in the picture but holden is being paired with carly, maybe jack will end up with lily, whatever, it doesn't ring true, there's no chemistry there, and if there isn't any, there isn't, you can't make me love you if I don''s called holden and lily, and carjack, otherwise is isn't any good...

9. Ali is an ok character, sorta, kinda, but doesn't really do anything for I could care less if she ends up with nuchris or aaron, just really no story there that's interesting...

10. It's criminal that they keep using new characters no one cares about, give em boring, stupid stories that no one cares about, fire the good actors with history and rivalries and dramarama to die for...I want craig back, and roseanna, and emma, and where is lucinda, where are much more of henry and vienna, hmmm, hell I'll even take james stenbeck about now...

I'm sure there's more but they're too boring to even remember...I'd love to hear some comments on this one. Long live Nuke, but I'm not countin on it.

Next time, what they need to do to fix it...from the wise one, me, heeeeeeeeee...