Today Luke and Noah hit the streets of New York chasing Noah's baddad the colonel and the apparently kidnapped ameera. Of course ameera just wanted to help the colonel but perhaps changed her mind a little when she discovered he was drugging her...looks like the colonel has cooked up a deal with the immigration goonie to escape from New York in exchange for ameera...meanwhile the guys spent a lot of time runnin around lookin for both of em, and finally Noah literally bumps into his baddad who doesn't yet know that ameera is missing. Meanwhile Luke literally bumps into ameera just about around the corner and she hesitatingly tells him what she knows...Luke insists she go to the police for protection and flags down a beat cop and I guess they take her away, probably won't be much protection though once the immigration dude finds out. Noah and the colonel have it out and the encounter ends with colonel punchin out his beloved son, damn, what a champ. A frantic Luke finally finds Noah and explains what has happened to ameera. Noah is not a happy camper with the ameera in protective custody story and seems to be pretty pissed out at Luke...just then a foaming at the mouth colonel calls noah and tells him that if ameera isn't at pier 17 by noon the following day that both he and Luke will be dead...ooooooooooooh, dead by who, whom, or what, the colonel, the immigration guy, stay tuned I guess. I don't know who dreamed this story up but maybe they should try something else besides writing...if it weren't about Luke and Noah I'd be equally bored and laughing...story C-, Luke and Noah, priceless.
In other boring news of the soap day, sophie is becoming more obsessed and unhinged by the moment. Geez, I sure wish someone would give me a jewelry party like that, especially since sophie's been makin joolz for about two minutes, but anyway I see a bad moon risin on this story...paul and meg and mike continue to be boring, does paul have any look anymore other than the hurt puppy dog please hit me look...and nuchris and alison are putting me straight to sleep, and so is saint aaron...the carly and holden story if it ever gets goin might actually be kind of interesting, nulily will sure as hell be pissed out...and what can you say about emily and casey except ewwwwwwwwwwww...I think margo might kill someone when she finds out, which actually would be funny.
I don't know who dreamed this story up but maybe they should try something else besides writing...if it weren't about Luke and Noah I'd be equally bored and laughing...story C-, Luke and Noah, priceless.
I think you should write the scripts. :)
Noah's Dad punched him, Noah's mad at Luke, threats on their life? Sounds like they need to have sex already.
Oh yeah they sure do scarygirl...I want to see the romance, there is soooo much heat there...
The show is getting really good! Thanks for posting all the recent highlights!
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