Well it was a great day on B&B as donnaho married her honeybear in front of stephbitch, and in stephbitch's own home. The "children" (all at age 40+ or close now) were there all grim faced and sad...psychopammy was there, crazy as ever dreaming of hosin down donnaho as she walked down the aisle...and stephbitch was there convinced that honeybear would have second thoughts bout marryin donnaho, coughcoughdidn'thappencoughcough...well, it kinda almost maybe sorta did, honeybear had a moment of confusion where everyone thought he was maybe wafflin, but he came to in time to day I do. The bride was radiant in a forester original gown, perfectly tanned and coiffed, and emphatically showin great boobage...
All the guests left early, the "children" going out to get drunk, at least thorny was, but at the very end before steph left she heard laughter from inside and she looked inside her old house and saw her honeybear dancin with donnaho, havin a great old time and not even thinkin bout her for even one little second...too bad, so sad, been a long time comin but the divorce is finally final...
It's been a slow week over on ATWT, however there's one bright spot and that would be juicyjanet, badbrad's old flame and mother of his daughter liberty, aka libby...there is already big trouble brewin between juicyjanet and katieho cause it's soooo obvious that juicyjanet's makin a play for badbrad...this could get interesting cause she also obviously came to town with an agenda, she's lookin to be a little like gwen's mom iris, greedy, money lovin and a ho...this is an example of a fun nucharacter, I'm likinnnnnnn iiiiiit...also this week nulily is attempting to fit right in as lily, but she is very seriously not lily...now I'll give her a couple more days to straighten it out, but she is soooo not lily...this is an example of a recast character that doesn't work...we'll see how long this lasts.
There is a light on the horizon for next week cause previews show that Nuke will be returning, and I'm also hopin that henry and vienna get involved in the juicyjanet/katieho/badbrad story cause this could become very humerous...vienna is not gonna like juicyjanet, I'm seein some problems there, meowwwwwwwww...
1 comment:
These people get married more times than they change their underwear. Geesh!
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