Question of the day, which came first, the mother of all bitches stephanie forester or the bitch ho brooke logan...thanks to anon poster yesterday for making me think about it and I'll try and answer...first of all I love both the characters, but I hate em, they are the way they are I think because of daddy problems early on, but that is no excuse for their behavior. I think stephanie was always controlling and manipulative and not a nice person. Brookie is needy and insecure and seems to look for daddy everywhere, she's also controlling and manipulative and partcularly uses sexual persuasions to get her way while stephanie belittles and humiliates people to get what she wants.
It is really hard to fathom that brookie has slept with all the forester men, and married em too, starting with eric now known as hunnybear thanks to another logan sister. I can absolutely understand why stephanie would hate brookie for stealin her husband because that is total humiliation for her, and then, brookie pours salt in the wound and marries ridge and thorny too, hasn't she done this six or seven times.
Of course stephanie has done everything in her power to stop brookie but with no luck, oh she wiped her up with a towel after her tongue lashings, humiliated her again and again, and was essentially responsible for brookie's rape by the bad man. They both act and react to each other by doin the same things over and over with very little result, at least not in the happiness department.
I think that stephanie and brookie are both parts of one whole, and each would not be the same without the other. There is really one heroine/villainess here and one of the best soap opera characters ever...I love em, I hate em, couldn't do without em, am always shocked at what they do...have you noticed how brookie seems to be becoming more and more like stephanie and now she's trying to control her son the way stephanie has always tried to control ridge. When Susan Flannery finally leaves B&B it will leave a huge gap, course I bet brookie's up to the task of bein the mother of all bitches, oh yeah.
Short and sweet recaps of todays soaps...on B&B katie got stormy's heart, brookie was guilt ridden cause she jumped to conclusions and yelled at stormy...I was pissed off that ridge was there, and absolutely amazed that bridget is now a heart surgeon, she's sure accomplished alot in the past two years.
Bad day for Nuke on ATWT cause poor luke had a big old fight with noah cause ameera was there, like hovering, and he wanted to be alone with noah but couldn't, so my poor luke is very unhappy right now, and so is noah, but ameera looked pretty pleased with it all as she put her stuff back in the bedroom. And, it seems that the colonel will soon be returning to oakdale, how he gets out of jail would be a great question, but look for him to cause big problemos. Got nothing on other doings around oakdale except that carly and holden keep bumpin into each other, but ya know they just don't have any chemistry, no, they don't...and looks like parker will probably end up bein badbrad's daughter liberty's boyfriend, I have visions of them frolickin at the snyder pond, katieho is bein understandin, why I don't know, paul, meg, sophie and mike are still boring, and jack is still bein an ass...