Events on B&B turned ugly today as stormy shot his sister katie...by accident...some people just create tragedy for themselves and katie is one of those people who keeps jumpin into other people's business, and if she hadn't jumped into the middle of the ashley-stormy nonstarter romance, she would be ok, but noooooooooo, once again she dove right in and ended up fightin with stormy over the gun...ok so a sane guy goes and buys a gun cause he's gonna prove to his love that just because he shot someone doesn't mean he's a bad guy...like I don't think he's really a bad guy, but I do think he's off his rocker...and obviously so does ashley...but, the real culprit here is the ever nasty, hypocritical, and super smug ridge who had to go and tell ashley all about stormy, he's another one who thinks it's okay to just dive into everyone else's life cause he's always right...and of course you can always go back to the true beginning of this, the bitch of all bitches who started this whole logan-forrester rivalry, well it's the she-devil herself, the smug and the ugly stephanie forester...
So we won't know til monday what happens but I guess they'll find a donor and katie will get a heart transplant and live a long and nosy life. Nick will fall in love with her much to bridget's dismay, and we won't even go there with what brookie will do. Maybe stormy will go to jail this time or perhaps a much needed 24/7 pheesacheeatrist ward. Maybe taylorlips can become useful once again.
Which reminds me, monday and tuesday were great brookie watchin days...the look on her face as rick proclaimed his love for and engagement to taylorlips, well, priceless, and the shock and dismay when taylorlips won back custody of babyjack was something I've been waitin for for awhile, heeeeeeeeeeeee, truly a happy dance makin show. Now if we could somehow get the self-righteous smugness off of ridge's face, we could have a really great party.
My money is on Storm offing himself so that Katie can have his heart. Or perhaps we'll get lucky and he'll accidentally shoot Brooke.
Once again, I'm rolling.
Or perhaps we'll get lucky and he'll accidentally shoot Brooke.
I could go for that...I do sense a slight partiality on the part of our soap blogger, Petunia, for Brooke. I notice that everything is always laid at the doorstep of " the smug and the ugly stephanie forester..." but please, when you ask, " who started this whole logan-forrester rivalry," am I wrong or did the rivalry start when Brooke stole Stephanie's hubby and began sleeping her way through all the male members of the Forester family. Call me weird, but I suspect I'd get a little bitchy if some tramp decided to bed my husband and both my sons.
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