All is not well in the land of the turning world, no...today was Nuke day, and the day the evilameera finally let her true feelings be known, but are they true...evilameera kissed noah while filming luke's movie and gee you could hear a pin drop, the room was in shock and awe for sure, and luke was shootin out those disapproving looks like daggers and if looks could kill well then evilameera would be history by now. Of course casey knew the truth and dragged it out of ameera, but how could she deny the obvious, she's in love with noah. But is she really, hmmm...conspiracy theory number one says it's the colonel behind the whole thing and ameera's mission is to tear the two apart and make noah straight, geez...on the other hand she could indeed have fallen for noah just cause they're married and the cultural differences might suggest ameera can't differentiate between a marriage of convenience and that of love, nor does she apparently understand what gay means...in any event apparently next week she goes after noah big time all dressed up in a slinky black number and kissin on him with intent to seduce. How will the clueless noah handle this, well it better be well cause luke is none to happy with noah right now. It's time to end this miserable story and get our boys back together while kickin the evil one to the curb. Whatever the reason for her doing what she is, she does know exactly what she's doing and for that I have no sympathy.
The rest of the show was about flying balloons, Barbar being grumpy, what else is new, sophie being a saint again, nuchris bein boring, and emily being a bitch as usual...nothing new here, tune in, maybe next week will be better.
Meanwhile over on B&B terrible tiny bit the dust and it turns out it was psychopammy's fault for not givin him his meds, and I thought it was lemon bars...so donnaho isn't a murderess after all but the problem is psychopammy thinks she is and blames donnaho for tiny's early demise...watch out next week after psychopammy stops takin her meds, it won't be pretty. Hide the teabags...
And once again brookie is in memememe mode...seems taylorlips is officially sane again much to brookie's chagrin...she is insisting taylorlips not be allowed near HER babyjack...well this is gonna be a trainwreck cause nick isn't gonna do that...I'm seein a big court battle bout just who the hell is babyjack's mommy, and just wait til brookie finds out that rick and taylorlips are engaged, heeeeeeeeeeehhhhheeeeheeeeeeeee, I just cannot wait to see the look on her face...brookie is seriously crazy right now and anything could happen, ya know how unstable those logan's really are...stormy weather ahead...
Damn that Ameera! She needs to go. And Noah better not creep back into the closet - he's got Luke to deflower. ;)
OOOH!! Did you notice Casey's comment to Asseera that she should be an actress? hmmmmmm. I know it's just a soap opera, but could that be a little foreshadowing? Hate her.
I think Brooke needs to stop taking her meds and have a few lemon bars.
Thank you so much for the updates!!!
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