Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Snarky Soap Updates

I need inspiration to do really great soap updates and since that depends on how interesting the shows are, daily updates probably wouldn't work unless you feel like napping...but this is good news cause you'll get the best of the best. On the Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) I am particularly inspired by brookie's self-righteous indignation over the state of affairs between her son rick and taylorlips, geez, brookie has slept with every guy but her son and don't ever count that out if she gets really desperate, and rick, what can you say except he's fallin in love with someone new every two seconds. Of course I love the evil stephbitch, the mother of all bitches, and I'm truly enjoying the absurdity of the may-december romance between donnaho and hunnybear eric, heeeeeeeeheeeeeeeheeeeeeee...and what can you say about the teabag eating psychopammy except WOW!!! Three big exclamation points there...never see anyone down a teabag the way she did. Be very afraid...

So far I'm hatin all the newbies on As the World Turns (ATWT)...they are great for fallin asleep to...there's boring sophiemissinnocentyeahright, drjekyllnuchris, the evilameera, trying to come between my NUKE, evil hissssss evil, and whoever else is new but is sooooo boring that I forgot them.

I am a Carjack fan, and finally my long wait for the g-mans return is coming to fruition...I'll have a complete recap, second by second analysis when the joyous moment occurs later this week. I do NOT like the insane, mean, nasty, and confused katiehobitch, especially all her tryin to get Carly's g-man...I do like her with badboybrad, he is soooooooo cute. There's many more I do like which I'll go into as story arises, but I've saved the best for last...that is of course my beloved NUKE. My favorite is Luke, he of the looks, the deep looks from those beautiful eyes, he of the holy hair (term coined by an unknown blogger somewhere out there, but thank you). Too many days go by without any sighting at all, too many almost kisses happen, as if they never kiss...but I'm hopin that with Noah and Ameera movin into gwen and will's place that the story will start progressing with some sleepovers, oh yeah, and of course summer's comin up so the Snyder pond will become available for adventure, like everyone else in Oakdale has done it at the Snyder pond, so I'm hopin things will start to happen.

So anyway, that's a preview of sorts of the snark that will await you almost every day. Hope you tune in...


LittleBigGal said...

What will happen when the Snyder pond is being drained for the new development? Nuke must hurry and get their groove on before the pond runs dry!

Love the blog!! Can't catch my soaps everyday so this is great!

Anam Cara Candles said...

prefer ABC soaps, thanxs to grandma...but you make them sound interestin!